5  Missing values

Biodiversity datasets often contain missing values. However, analysis and visualisation software can differ in their default response to missing values. They might drop missing values, provide a warning about them, or return an error. We don’t always know which response we’ll get, which can cause problems for us (possibly without our knowing) during analysis later on. This is why it’s important to clean missing values effectively.

Understanding the nature of missing data can also be useful for informing how you proceed with analysis. For instance, understanding whether missing data are random or not can influence what you choose to do with them (e.g. remove vs. impute), which in turn can affect the results of statistical models based on those datasets. Identifying where missing data occur in a dataset is therefore an important part of exploratory data analysis. This chapter will show you how to detect and remove missing values.

5.0.1 Prerequisites

In this chapter, we will use gecko occurrence data since 2009 from the ALA using galah.

# packages
galah_config(email = "your-email-here") # ALA-registered email

geckos <- galah_call() |>
  filter(doi == "https://doi.org/10.26197/ala.b0c504ed-53a4-4162-8ade-9e6d76a74a0a") |>

Note: You don’t need to run this code block to read this chapter. It can, however, be useful to see the original download query. This code will download the latest data from the ALA, which you are welcome to use instead, though the data might not exactly reproduce results in this chapter.

galah_config(email = "your-email-here")

geckos <- galah_call() |>
  identify("Gekkonidae") |>
  filter(year >= 2009) |>
  select(group = "basic",
         kingdom, phylum, order, class, 
         family, genus, species, cl22, 
         eventDate, month) |>
We created a custom DOI for our download by using atlas_occurrences(mint_doi = TRUE).

5.1 Find missing values

There are numerous ways to identify missing values in your data. Here we illustrate a few ways with very different output types.

From here we can return all rows with a missing variable.

geckos |> 
  filter(if_any(everything(), is.na)) |>
  select(scientificName, genus, 
         species, cl22, everything()) # reorder columns
# A tibble: 3,561 × 17
   scientificName    genus species cl22  recordID taxonConceptID decimalLatitude
   <chr>             <chr> <chr>   <chr> <chr>    <chr>                    <dbl>
 1 Gehyra            Gehy… <NA>    Sout… 001949e… https://biodi…          -28.1 
 2 Gehyra            Gehy… <NA>    Nort… 001ab80… https://biodi…          -16.1 
 3 Gehyra australis  Gehy… Gehyra… Nort… 002f70c… https://biodi…          -13.1 
 4 Lepidodactylus p… Lepi… Lepido… <NA>  00336d7… https://biodi…           -8.81
 5 Christinus        Chri… <NA>    Sout… 003e84f… https://biodi…          -35.0 
 6 Gehyra            Gehy… <NA>    Quee… 0046174… https://biodi…          -26.7 
 7 Gehyra nana       Gehy… Gehyra… <NA>  005ea26… https://biodi…           NA   
 8 GEKKONIDAE        <NA>  <NA>    Quee… 007172d… https://biodi…          -19.3 
 9 Gehyra            Gehy… <NA>    Nort… 0073628… https://biodi…          -22.2 
10 Christinus marmo… Chri… Christ… <NA>  007a1a3… https://biodi…          -34.9 
# ℹ 3,551 more rows
# ℹ 10 more variables: decimalLongitude <dbl>, eventDate <dttm>,
#   occurrenceStatus <chr>, dataResourceName <chr>, kingdom <chr>,
#   phylum <chr>, order <chr>, class <chr>, family <chr>, month <dbl>

Or we can specify a column to find rows with NA values (in this case column cl22).

geckos |> 
  filter(if_any(cl22, is.na)) |> 
  select(scientificName, genus, 
         species, cl22, everything()) # reorder columns
# A tibble: 1,254 × 17
   scientificName    genus species cl22  recordID taxonConceptID decimalLatitude
   <chr>             <chr> <chr>   <chr> <chr>    <chr>                    <dbl>
 1 Lepidodactylus p… Lepi… Lepido… <NA>  00336d7… https://biodi…           -8.81
 2 Gehyra nana       Gehy… Gehyra… <NA>  005ea26… https://biodi…           NA   
 3 Christinus marmo… Chri… Christ… <NA>  007a1a3… https://biodi…          -34.9 
 4 Gehyra punctata   Gehy… Gehyra… <NA>  007a329… https://biodi…           NA   
 5 Christinus marmo… Chri… Christ… <NA>  009be60… https://biodi…          -32.1 
 6 Cyrtodactylus     Cyrt… <NA>    <NA>  00a3522… https://biodi…           -5.73
 7 Hemidactylus fre… Hemi… Hemida… <NA>  00c6832… https://biodi…            1.29
 8 Cyrtodactylus     Cyrt… <NA>    <NA>  00fdca4… https://biodi…           -7.42
 9 Christinus marmo… Chri… Christ… <NA>  0143054… https://biodi…          -32.0 
10 Hemidactylus fre… Hemi… Hemida… <NA>  01aae23… https://biodi…           16.0 
# ℹ 1,244 more rows
# ℹ 10 more variables: decimalLongitude <dbl>, eventDate <dttm>,
#   occurrenceStatus <chr>, dataResourceName <chr>, kingdom <chr>,
#   phylum <chr>, order <chr>, class <chr>, family <chr>, month <dbl>

5.2 Remove NA values

5.2.1 Missing coordinates

If you are intending to make a map or run spatial analyses, it’s a good idea to exclude records with missing coordinates. Missing coordinate data often leads to one of the following: a function error, an undesirable map, or the (unintentional) exclusion of data points (many of which you might wish to include in other maps or analyses).

It’s good practice to tally and identify rows that have missing data before excluding them. We can use the same method as above to identify the records with missing coordinates.

geckos |> 
  filter(if_any(c(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude), is.na)) |>
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1   153
geckos |> 
  filter(if_any(c(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude), is.na)) |>
  select(scientificName, decimalLongitude, 
         decimalLatitude, everything()) # reorder columns
# A tibble: 153 × 17
   scientificName      decimalLongitude decimalLatitude recordID  taxonConceptID
   <chr>                          <dbl>           <dbl> <chr>     <chr>         
 1 Gehyra nana                       NA              NA 005ea268… https://biodi…
 2 Gehyra punctata                   NA              NA 007a3298… https://biodi…
 3 Heteronotia binoei                NA              NA 03a123ed… https://biodi…
 4 Gehyra australis                  NA              NA 05bef070… https://biodi…
 5 Gehyra occidentalis               NA              NA 0846001e… https://biodi…
 6 GEKKONIDAE                        NA              NA 0a078043… https://biodi…
 7 Gehyra xenopus                    NA              NA 0ad77ff9… https://biodi…
 8 Gehyra occidentalis               NA              NA 0c5390b2… https://biodi…
 9 Gehyra punctata                   NA              NA 11bbc940… https://biodi…
10 Gehyra nana                       NA              NA 12d9f935… https://biodi…
# ℹ 143 more rows
# ℹ 12 more variables: eventDate <dttm>, occurrenceStatus <chr>,
#   dataResourceName <chr>, kingdom <chr>, phylum <chr>, order <chr>,
#   class <chr>, family <chr>, genus <chr>, species <chr>, cl22 <chr>,
#   month <dbl>

If we decide we are happy to exclude these records, we can use drop_na() to remove missing values from our dataset.

geckos_filtered <- geckos |>
  drop_na(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude)

We can check that drop_na() worked correctly by comparing the number of records in our initial data and our filtered data, specifically that geckos_filtered is smaller by the same number of NA values we found above.

nrow(geckos) - nrow(geckos_filtered)
[1] 153

5.3 Taxonomic values

5.3.1 Missing higher rank

Sometimes data can be missing information in columns with higher taxonomic rankings, even if observations have been taxonomically identified down to the species level. In this case, the goal isn’t only to remove the missing values, but to fill in the gaps with the correct information.

As an example, we’ll use a slightly modified geckos_missing dataset with some missing data added into the higher columns1. Below is a preview, and you’ll notice that there are NA values in the class and family columns as you skim across the pages.

set.seed(87654) # for reproducibility

# randomly replace some row's class & family names with NAs
geckos_missing <- geckos |>
  mutate(class = replace(class, 
                                size = ceiling(0.15 * n())), 
         family = replace(family, 
                                 size = ceiling(0.15 * n())), 
geckos_missing |>
  select(scientificName, class, family, genus, species, everything())
# A tibble: 28,055 × 17
   scientificName        class    family   genus species recordID taxonConceptID
   <chr>                 <chr>    <chr>    <chr> <chr>   <chr>    <chr>         
 1 Gehyra dubia          Reptilia Gekkoni… Gehy… Gehyra… 00002a3… https://biodi…
 2 Christinus marmoratus Reptilia Gekkoni… Chri… Christ… 0002970… https://biodi…
 3 Heteronotia binoei    Reptilia Gekkoni… Hete… Hetero… 0007fcc… https://biodi…
 4 Gehyra australis      Reptilia Gekkoni… Gehy… Gehyra… 00087c0… https://biodi…
 5 Hemidactylus frenatus Reptilia Gekkoni… Hemi… Hemida… 000c00b… https://biodi…
 6 Heteronotia binoei    Reptilia Gekkoni… Hete… Hetero… 000cd36… https://biodi…
 7 Christinus marmoratus Reptilia Gekkoni… Chri… Christ… 0018b78… https://biodi…
 8 Gehyra                Reptilia Gekkoni… Gehy… <NA>    001949e… https://biodi…
 9 Heteronotia binoei    Reptilia Gekkoni… Hete… Hetero… 0019729… https://biodi…
10 Gehyra                Reptilia Gekkoni… Gehy… <NA>    001ab80… https://biodi…
# ℹ 28,045 more rows
# ℹ 10 more variables: decimalLatitude <dbl>, decimalLongitude <dbl>,
#   eventDate <dttm>, occurrenceStatus <chr>, dataResourceName <chr>,
#   kingdom <chr>, phylum <chr>, order <chr>, cl22 <chr>, month <dbl>

If you have a list of taxonomic names with complete ranking information from your preferred taxonomic naming authority, you can use this information to back-fill your missing data columns. In our case, we can use names from ALA’s taxonomic backbone.

First we’ll get the complete list of Gekkonidae species taxonomic rank names using galah.

geckos_species_list <- galah_call() |>
  identify("gekkonidae") |>

# A tibble: 6 × 11
  taxon_concept_id species_name scientific_name_auth…¹ taxon_rank kingdom phylum
  <chr>            <chr>        <chr>                  <chr>      <chr>   <chr> 
1 https://biodive… Heteronotia… (Gray, 1845)           species    Animal… Chord…
2 https://biodive… Christinus … (Gray, 1845)           species    Animal… Chord…
3 https://biodive… Gehyra vari… (Duméril & Bibron, 18… species    Animal… Chord…
4 https://biodive… Hemidactylu… Duméril & Bibron, 1836 species    Animal… Chord…
5 https://biodive… Gehyra dubia (Macleay, 1877)        species    Animal… Chord…
6 https://biodive… Gehyra vers… Hutchinson, Sistrom, … species    Animal… Chord…
# ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​scientific_name_authorship
# ℹ 5 more variables: class <chr>, order <chr>, family <chr>, genus <chr>,
#   vernacular_name <chr>

To match the complete names in geckos_species_list with the missing names in geckos_missing, we can use a strategy of match-and-merge.

For some taxonomic groups like birds this will not work because subgenus is almost always included in scientificName. In this scenario, you might need to use more advanced methods like those in the Taxonomic Validation chapter to match and back-fill taxonomic information.

Using a reference column, we’ll merge our complete names data to our missing data. The information in the species_name column of geckos_species_list contains both the genus and species names; this is just like the scientificName column of our geckos_missing dataset2. We can use these columns as our reference columns.

geckos_species_list |> select(species_name) |> slice(10:15) # see sample of data
# A tibble: 6 × 1
1 Lepidodactylus lugubris
2 Gehyra montium         
3 Gehyra lazelli         
4 Nactus pelagicus       
5 Nactus eboracensis     
6 Gehyra punctata        
geckos_missing |> select(scientificName) |> slice(10:15) # see sample of data
# A tibble: 6 × 1
1 Gehyra                 
2 Gehyra versicolor      
3 Gehyra variegata       
4 Hemidactylus frenatus  
5 Christinus marmoratus  
6 Lepidodactylus lugubris

Now we’ll select the subset of columns from geckos_species_list that we wish to join with geckos_missing (and our reference column, species_name).

list_subset <- geckos_species_list |>
  select(species_name, class, family)

We can use left_join() to merge list_subset to geckos_missing. Records that are identified at least down to the family level now have the correct rank information in the class_new and family_new columns [^3].

This hasn’t worked for every row, however, because scientificName contains the name of the lowest taxonomic rank the occurrence is identified to. Names like Christinus and Gehyra are genus names, so in these cases scientificName won’t match our reference species_name column!

geckos_missing |>
            by = join_by(scientificName == species_name), 
            suffix = c("_old", "_new")) |>
  select(scientificName, class_old, family_old, class_new, family_new) |>
  slice(20:30) # see sample of data
# A tibble: 11 × 5
   scientificName         class_old family_old class_new family_new
   <chr>                  <chr>     <chr>      <chr>     <chr>     
 1 Gehyra australis       Reptilia  <NA>       Reptilia  Gekkonidae
 2 Lepidodactylus pumilus Reptilia  Gekkonidae Reptilia  Gekkonidae
 3 Heteronotia binoei     Reptilia  Gekkonidae Reptilia  Gekkonidae
 4 Christinus marmoratus  Reptilia  Gekkonidae Reptilia  Gekkonidae
 5 Christinus             Reptilia  Gekkonidae <NA>      <NA>      
 6 Heteronotia binoei     Reptilia  Gekkonidae Reptilia  Gekkonidae
 7 Nactus eboracensis     Reptilia  Gekkonidae Reptilia  Gekkonidae
 8 Heteronotia binoei     Reptilia  Gekkonidae Reptilia  Gekkonidae
 9 Gehyra                 Reptilia  Gekkonidae <NA>      <NA>      
10 Heteronotia binoei     <NA>      <NA>       Reptilia  Gekkonidae
11 Christinus marmoratus  Reptilia  Gekkonidae Reptilia  Gekkonidae

5.3.2 Insufficient taxonomic identification

If a record is not identified down to the necessary taxonomic level required for your analysis (e.g. down to species or sub-species level), then the record should be removed.

One handy tip you can use with the galah package is to add the column taxonRank. This column usefully shows the taxonomic level of names in scientificName3. taxonRank can be useful because we can filter to only include records down to a specific rank.

geckos_rank <- galah_call() |>
  identify("gekkonidae") |>
  filter(year == 2013) |>
  select(group = "basic",
         taxonRank) |> # add column

# return records identified to species level
geckos_rank |>
  filter(taxonRank == "species") |>
  select(taxonRank, scientificName, everything()) # reorder columns
# A tibble: 1,823 × 9
   taxonRank scientificName        recordID       taxonConceptID decimalLatitude
   <chr>     <chr>                 <chr>          <chr>                    <dbl>
 1 species   Gehyra variegata      001c2b9f-34c8… https://biodi…           -22.7
 2 species   Heteronotia binoei    0069dbdc-3b6a… https://biodi…           -16.4
 3 species   Gehyra versicolor     0076a197-d0ee… https://biodi…           -21.5
 4 species   Gehyra punctata       007a3298-fc44… https://biodi…            NA  
 5 species   Heteronotia binoei    00a0405a-7852… https://biodi…           -12.6
 6 species   Gehyra chimera        00aaed8f-218c… https://biodi…           -17.1
 7 species   Heteronotia binoei    00b95296-ff57… https://biodi…           -12.7
 8 species   Christinus marmoratus 00c15ed1-873e… https://biodi…           -35.4
 9 species   Christinus marmoratus 00d886f8-1ee4… https://biodi…           -35.0
10 species   Gehyra variegata      00e80fcb-843d… https://biodi…           -29.9
# ℹ 1,813 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: decimalLongitude <dbl>, eventDate <dttm>,
#   occurrenceStatus <chr>, dataResourceName <chr>

However, it is still possible to filter records using the tools above without using the taxonRank column. In this case we remove records not identified down to the genus.

geckos_filtered <- geckos |>
  drop_na(genus) |>
  select(scientificName, genus, species, everything()) # reorder columns

# A tibble: 27,363 × 17
   scientificName        genus   species recordID taxonConceptID decimalLatitude
   <chr>                 <chr>   <chr>   <chr>    <chr>                    <dbl>
 1 Gehyra dubia          Gehyra  Gehyra… 00002a3… https://biodi…           -24.1
 2 Christinus marmoratus Christ… Christ… 0002970… https://biodi…           -34.7
 3 Heteronotia binoei    Hetero… Hetero… 0007fcc… https://biodi…           -12.6
 4 Gehyra australis      Gehyra  Gehyra… 00087c0… https://biodi…           -14.4
 5 Hemidactylus frenatus Hemida… Hemida… 000c00b… https://biodi…           -27.5
 6 Heteronotia binoei    Hetero… Hetero… 000cd36… https://biodi…           -13.3
 7 Christinus marmoratus Christ… Christ… 0018b78… https://biodi…           -36.1
 8 Gehyra                Gehyra  <NA>    001949e… https://biodi…           -28.1
 9 Heteronotia binoei    Hetero… Hetero… 0019729… https://biodi…           -12.7
10 Gehyra                Gehyra  <NA>    001ab80… https://biodi…           -16.1
# ℹ 27,353 more rows
# ℹ 11 more variables: decimalLongitude <dbl>, eventDate <dttm>,
#   occurrenceStatus <chr>, dataResourceName <chr>, kingdom <chr>,
#   phylum <chr>, order <chr>, class <chr>, family <chr>, cl22 <chr>,
#   month <dbl>

5.4 Summary

This chapter showed ways to find and remove different types of missing records from your dataset. It’s important to note that there might not be a single cleaned dataset without any missing values. You might find that in the same workflow, you will clean your dataset in multiple ways to preserve rows that are missing some, but not all, information. For example, some records may have complete taxonomic identification but lack spatial coordinates, while others have spatial coordinates but lack taxonomic information. Depending on the type of analysis you intend to perform, you may need to adjust your data cleaning approach accordingly.

In the next chapter we will address working with strings (character sequences). Strings often involve correcting for things like typos or extra spacing that are difficult to pick up at a first glance.

  1. The Atlas of Living Australia matches taxonomic names when data is ingested from data providers. This process means that it’s very rare for a species to be missing higher taxonomic rank names. This might not be the case for other data sources, though!↩︎

  2. This column contains the name of the lowest taxonomic rank the occurrence is identified to.↩︎

  3. This column contains the name of the lowest taxonomic rank the occurrence is identified to.↩︎